Subnet ROOT
Digital solutions
by Blake Ballard

Welcome to my interactive portfolio! Let's see what I've been up to...

Click on a preview to enlarge the image, or click the item name to see other related information and images available. These are sorted by project start date, oldest first.

2 more samples
InvisionFree Community Coding (JavaScript)
Various scripts created for use with the popular InvisionFree forum software.
Myishi Corporation (website)
This site was created for an online community based in the Habbo Hotel virtual world.

LeetBoards (website/forum)
I created a custom forum software from the ground up as a learning experience to explore message board concepts.
Project Apex (website)
This site was created for a special interests group.
The Tyranists (website)
This site was created for a gaming community focused on the Subspace/Continuum online video game.
SixDegreeSteam (server and desktop application)
This entry is under construction...

Senior Game Engine Project (desktop application)
A class I was in during my senior year of college required the creation of a working game engine prototype.

Senior Project (desktop application)
A fully working video game I created in about 8 weeks as part of my college studies.

SixDegreeSteam (website)
This site was created for my SixDegreeSteam web-based application. The application is still under development and the site is still active at
Gummy Builder (desktop application)
A video game project being built from the ground up in C++ using DirectX.

3 more samples
FastTrack'D Final Project (website)
This video rental mock-up site was created while I was attending the FastTrack'D program by Cook Systems International.
Website layout, graphics, and content created by Blake "ROOT" Ballard
This site operates as Subnet ROOT,, and SNR Interactive